Sheila Tuffanelli
Please click on thumbnails to see info. and larger pictures.Woman Warrior
industrial felt
24″ x 16″ x 12″
Crucified Wolf
34″ x 24″x 30″
tar paper/nails
11″ x3″ x2″
tar paper on rose wood
She Wolf
tar paper
34″ 28″ x 30″
Ode to the Dance
tar paper
44″x50″ x44″
46″ x 30″ x17″
tar paper
tar paper
18″ x3″x4″
Cosmic Rose
industrial felt
Nike Tar Paper
Jazz Cats
tar paper
18″ x 6″ x 9″
Blue Scupture
American Godess
tar paper and found objects
Pas de Deux
3 sets of two
paper/wire gel on marble base.
Mother & Daughter
Tar paper over armature covered with Bondu/ gel acrylics.
Mother 57″ x22″ x 10″ / Daughter 48″x13″ x10
Out door proof.
4 & 20 Black Birds
Tar paper/rice paper/acrylic gel
12″ circumference 11 ” high
Bouquet De Black Birds
Bouquet De Black Birds
Sea She
wire, mesh, rice paper, shells
Sea Creatures
wire mesh/rice paper/shells/acrylics
1st 10’x7″x12″ / 2nd 15″x14″x12″
$275. ea / $500. both