Jennifer Kim Sohn
Please click on thumbnails to see info. and larger pictures.Eyes 1
Acrylic on Muslin
66″ w x 46″h
11″w x 17″h
Window screen, hand-dyed yarn, plastic soldier
27″w x 12″d x5″h
Red and Blue
Paper, synthetic fabric, Synthetic yarn
15”w x 8.5” spread
My Three Boys
Gutter guard, window screen and pipe insulator
27″w x 12″d x 3″h
Needle felting, wool, synthetic yarn
43″ w x 45″h
The Absence of “a”
Cotton thread and foamcore
4.5″ w x 4.5″ h x 4.5″d
Story Poles
Recycled fabric, yarns and PVC piping
3″ Diameter by 60″h-80″
Eyes 2
Acrylic on Muslin
56″ w x 46″h
Acrylic on Muslin
76″ w x 46″ h
Walk in My Shoes
Discarded shoes, photo transfer
40″ x 13″ x 18″
Hand to Mouth
The Lost Tribe
Chicken wire, paper, organza
20″ x 28″ x 24″
Comfort Girls
Mulberry paper, threads, barbed wire
60″ x 60″ x 24″
Toxic Habits
Deformed Frog Series
Hand-dyed felt and polyester
each measures 8″h x 3″w