Resume/Contact Chris Motley Please click on thumbnails to see info. and larger pictures. FiberDim Home A Long NightA Long NightReaching GreenReaching Green34″H x 24″W x 23″DWool, Knit and Fulled, on Artist Made Armature Sculptural Knitt...Sculptural KnittingWool, Knit and Fulled, with ceramic tools Emotion IEmotion I17”Hx 10”W x8”D and 17”H x 11”W x 13”DWool, Knit and Fulled Ears Wide OpenEars Wide Open9”H x 44”H x 11”DWool, Knit and Fulled Living AloneLiving Alone19″H x 18″W x 13″DWool, Knit and Fulled, on Artist Made Armature IndecisionIndecision9″H x 7″W x 7.5″DWool, Knit and Fulled For Dear LifeFor Dear Life43″H x 31″W x 7..5″DWool, Knit and Fulled WhimseyWhimsey40″L x 20″W x 8″D HelpHelp73H x 46W 3”D (click here to see detail) FlowFlow16″H x 33″W x 4.5″D RedRed13″H x 17″W x 2″D BlueBlue12″H x 14″W x 4″D Almost A-RoundAlmost A-Round18″H x 20″W x 2″D Green Garden Gal...Green Garden Galaxy33” H x 27” WWool, Knit and Fulled Red Garden GalaxyRed Garden Galaxy24” H x 40” WWool, Knit and Fulled Easing ThroughEasing Through24” W x 40” H x 2” DWool, Knit and Fulled Garden Galaxy BlueGarden Galaxy Blue26” W x 30” HWool, Knit and Fulled