Artist’s Statement:
That unexplainable phenomenon of TIME and it’s effects on every aspect of his world fascinates me. My ideas are inspired by the vulnerability of the human life cycle. If we are fortunate enough, each and every one us will experience infancy, childhood, puberty, re-productivity, middle-age, old-age, and the quiet certainty of death. The objects I create are made from a variety of materials: sometimes reflecting the fragility of the subject itself, other times balancing the weight of the subject matter with a humorous perspective.
AA English, Heian Jogakuin, Kyoto, Japan
Perception Workshop, Ann O’Hanlon Studio, Mill Valley
Oil Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Jewelry, Color Theory,
Art History, Dimensional Fiber, Fiber Sculpture, College of Marin, Kentfield, CA
Selected Exhibitions:
2003 Naked, 1078 Gallery, Chico, Ca
2002 Herbst Exhibition Hall, San Francisco, Ca
2002 Cultural Arts Council, Santa Rosa, Ca
2002 1078 Gallery, Chico, Ca
2002 Marin Art Council, San Rafael, Ca
2001 Mesh Gallery, Sebastopol, Ca
2001 Turtle Bay Museum, Redding, Ca
2000 Marin Technology Center, San Rafael, Ca
2000 600 Townsend Street, San Francisco, Ca
1999 College of Marin Gallery, Kentfield, Ca
1999 Marin County Fair Juried Exhibition, San Rafael, Ca
1999 Bolinas Museum, Bolinas, Ca
1999 Gallery Oboy, San Francisco, Ca
1999 Marin Community Foundation, Larkspur, Ca
1998 Olive Hyde Gallery, Fremont, CA
1998 California Art Council, Sacramento, Ca
1998 Marin Art Council, San Rafael, Ca
1997 Claudia Chapline Gallery, Stinson Beach, CA
1997 Downtown Art Center, San Rafael, CA
1996 Fiber Dimensions, Town Center, Corte Madera, CA
1995 Artisans Gallery, Mill Valley, CA
1995 College of Marin Gallery, Kentfield, CA
1994 Fiber Dimensions, Town Center, Corte Madera, CA
1994 Olive Hyde Gallery, Fremont, CA
1994 Impact Gallery, Buffalo, NY
Selected Publications:
Jan/Feb 2000 Fiberarts
September 1999 Artweek